Handkerchief History
Stories of hope, heartache and happiness hiding in the humble handkerchief –
Who could imagine that a simple square of cotton or silk could hold memories of sadness, loss, joy, hope, happiness and love in their evanescent folds? But they do. I know because over the years, I’ve heard countless stories from people about a handkerchief they treasure. Some hankies have been saved for decades. Personally, I have handkerchiefs in my collection dating back to 1893.
Read MoreThe Accidental Collector
Some folks are accidental collectors – they inherited Aunt Ruthie’s depression glass or Uncle Bill’s vintage pen collection. For others, a hobby becomes a passion. One businessman I know has a museum quality collection of toy soldiers. “My collecting” he explained, “was accidental. I was sick as a child, and had to entertain myself while spending months in bed.” He transformed the folds of his blanket into Lawrence of Arabia deserts, and Civil War battlefields, as he lined up his tiny cavalries and battalions. Once housed in shoeboxes under his bed, his regiments now command an entire wall of glass shelves in his office, from Revolutionary red coats to French legionnaires.
Wabi-Sabi Love
I’ve endured more than one sidelong glance when someone has heard I collect old handkerchiefs. It was almost as though I said I collect tin cans. (Hmmm. Come to think of it, I do have a couple of tin cans, but more on that later.)
I guess you could say my love of handkerchiefs is Wabi-sabi love. Wabi-sabi is the Japanese aesthetic of finding beauty in things that are imperfect, impermanent or incomplete. The two separate words have related but different meanings.
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